Equivalent £0.03p – 0.16p per day support)
Size: up to 50 members.
Annual fee: £150
(equiv. 41p per day support)
Size: 51–150 members.
Annual fee: £250
(equiv. 68p per day support)
Size: over 151 members.
Annual fee: £500
(equiv. £0.82p per day support)
Annual fee £500
(equivalent £1.36 per day support)
In year one, as a guide a nominal donation of £100 by each church, para church organisation, voluntary organisation and business is requested as a minimum.
We encourage our members to ‘give what they have decided I their hearts, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver' - 2 Cor 9:6-8.
WM FIA aims to strengthen and develop where necessary a thriving and effective membership within each of the seven constituent local authority within the West Midlands. Unifying an ‘intentional working together approach’ through support to member groups and organisations, and by influencing the policy to advance a healthy, strong, engaging and responsive community.
The membership will strive to build capacity that will support groups and organisations of all sizes to become more effective and successful and to play their full part in contributing to communities in their fields.