The West Midlands Faith in Action (WM FIA) is a regional umbrella partnership of Christian church leaders and community leaders that have united to bring a presence and a collective voice for the Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community especially the Black, African and Caribbean (BAC) community.
BAC Church leaders founded a ‘Call to Action’ assembly of Black, African and Caribbean church and community leaders, para church leaders, black business leaders; calling for the reestablishment of a regional leadership for the BAC community.
The BAC community have been under represented, largely unsupported and silenced in the past and that needed to change.
West Midlands Faith in Action was established as a result of lengthy research to identified sound Christian Black, African and Caribbean leadership who are actively advocating for the community. In addition, the research extended to identify existing robust viable mechanism that where bringing a unified presence and a unified voice for the Black, African and Caribbean community.
West Midlands Faith in Action was established on January 14th 2020 and registered in April 2020.
The partnership has the potential to impact on every aspect of life that effect mankind. The relationship will be seen as a positive part of the wider mission of all Christians. Every cultural group has something to give or something from which others can learn.
The community needs the consistent presence of a collective voice that cannot be easily remedied by single instrument or by an orchestra duo but rather by a symphony orchestra.
Our approach is intentional but not innovative neither is it ground breaking; it’s essentially building greater and stronger bridges of connectivity that will ‘connect and impact action that enhances community life’. Challenge long-term cultural issues, inequality, disparities, injustice and promote wellbeing.
We are striving for better outcomes for children and young people in an accountable and structured partnership.
A Christ centred leadership has the potential to make a huge impact throughout the community